SecureIT Agenda | Protecting the Enterprise: Threats, Risk and AI

All times listed on the agenda are Eastern Standard Time.

Thursday, July 11

10:30 - 10:40 am
Welcome to SecureIT

Setting the stage for the program, we unpack the theme of Protecting the Enterprise: Threats, Risk and AI.

Beth Kormanik Event Content Director Foundry, an IDG Inc. Company
10:40 - 11:15 am
Fancy Bear Goes Phishing: What the History of Hacking Teaches Us About the Future of Cybersecurity

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Security professionals are constantly focused on anticipating and mitigating future threats to protect their enterprises. Today, one of the foremost concerns is the potential threats posed by artificial intelligence. However, to effectively understand and prepare for these future challenges, it is essential to first understand the past. Drawing on the insights from his new book, “Fancy Bear Goes Phishing,” Shapiro will show that by examining the rich history of hacking and the evolution of cyber threats, we can uncover invaluable lessons for the challenges ahead. The history of cyberattacks provides a powerful lens through which to predict and prepare for the sophisticated tactics that network defenders will confront.

Scott J. Shapiro Author and Founding Director of the Yale CyberSecurity Lab
11:15 - 11:35 am
Guided Networking

Build professional connections during this lightly structured networking time.

11:35 am - 12:15 pm
Empowering Cyber Culture: Winning Strategies and Talent Development in Today’s Threat Landscape

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In an era where digital innovation intersects with escalating cyber threats, the role of the Chief Information Security Officer transcends traditional boundaries. It has evolved into a pivotal driver of organizational resilience and competitive advantage. This panel will delve into the core strategies and practices necessary for cultivating a cyber-conscious culture that fosters innovation rather than stifles it. From positioning security as a business enabler to navigating the relentless pace of cyber threats without succumbing to burnout, seasoned CISOs will share insights and best practices for staying ahead. We will also explore methods for nurturing a pipeline of future-ready cyber leaders, addressing the critical gap at a time when the demands of the job are only growing.

Laura Deaner VP & Chief Information Security Officer Northwestern Mutual
Nada Noaman Chief Information Security Officer and Senior Vice President The Estée Lauder Companies
Liz Rodgers Chief Information Security Officer RAND
Dan Roberts Host, Tech Whisperers Podcast; CEO, Ouellette & Associates
12:15 - 12:35 pm
From Crisis to Confidence: How Data Protection Can Enhance Your Incident Response and Recovery

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Security teams face the daunting task of optimizing their security posture while balancing budget, risk, and operational efficiency. With even the most sophisticated security stack plagued with coverage gaps and vulnerabilities, teams are fatigued and don’t want to add yet another tool. Sometimes help comes from an unexpected corner. Modern backup and data security can help IT and security come together and solve problems. Learn what a data security and protection partner can do to help strengthen your security posture and streamline your incident response and recovery workflows. This session will cover what typically occurs in each phase of a cyber attack, common security coverage gaps in data infrastructure, and how to work better with your IT and backup teams.


Stephen Manley CTO Druva
12:35 - 12:45 pm
Get Ready for AI with a Strong Digital Foundation

Not everyone is ready for AI. A realistic assessment of your digital maturity could uncover a weak digital foundation. In this discussion we will sort the hype from the reality of changes GenAI has brought to enterprise AI as well as the steps CIOs need to take to enhance the efficiency of AI and how to measure outcomes. We’ll also look at where the AI revolution is headed next.


Ramprakash Ramamoorthy Director, AI Research ManageEngine
Beth Kormanik Event Content Director Foundry, an IDG Inc. Company
12:45 - 1:45 pm
Lunch and Exhibits

Pull up a chair and enjoy lunch with your new contacts! Plus meet our sponsors and learn how their solutions can help you overcome your latest challenges.

1:45 - 2:10 pm
Mitigating the Risk of Adversarial AI

As organizations integrate genAI use cases into their business operations, they have to content with a new security challenge: adversarial AI. Malicious actors can exploit vulnerabilities to manipulate outputs, disrupt operations, or poison models. This panel discussion brings together security leaders to dissect the evolving threat landscape of adversarial AI, share strategies for defense, and evaluate the state of the evolving arms race between attackers and defenders.

Cynthia Cullen Senior Director, Information Security Officer Thomson Reuters
Brian Miller Chief Information Security Officer Healthfirst
Beth Kormanik Event Content Director Foundry, an IDG Inc. Company
2:10 - 2:40 pm
Hot Topic Discussion Groups

Join a discussion topic that best meets your needs. Facilitated by our partner subject matter experts, take a deep-dive into ideas, common questions, and proven solutions in an interactive, peer-sharing environment.

Generative AI in the Enterprise – How Far Have We Come? hosted by ManageEngine

Ransomware in the Cloud hosted by Orca

Ransomware Readiness hosted by Druva

The Changing Threat Environment for Modern Enterprise: Why AI Is Essential to Successful Cybersecurity hosted by HCLTech & Cisco

2:40 - 3:00 pm
Networking Break

Enjoy some snacks in our exhibit area. Visit our sponsors to learn how their solutions can help you overcome your latest challenges.

3:00 - 3:30 pm
Measure, Maximize, and Mature Your Threat-Informed Defense

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In a world teeming with cyber threats, the power of unity and shared expertise is undeniable. The research and collective wisdom from MITRE Engenuity’s Center for Threat-Informed Defense, with inputs from 38 center members, helps to fundamentally shift the economics of cyber-attacks in favor of the defenders and change the game on the adversary. In this session, learn how to measure, maximize, and mature your threat-informed defense. Determine if your security operations center is optimally leveraging threat information. By understanding your current maturity level and identifying areas for improvement, you can make better investments and strategic decisions to strengthen your defenses, whether it be in cyber threat intelligence, defensive measures, or testing and evaluation.

Jon Baker Director, Center for Threat-Informed Defense MITRE Engenuity
3:30 - 4:00 pm
Beware the Shiny Object: GenAI and Trust

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Business can’t afford to ignore the trust implications associated with generative artificial intelligence technologies. Join us to explore issues related to the generation of realistic and potentially sensitive content, addressing concerns such as data privacy, misuse of generated content, and the need for appropriate regulations to govern the ethical deployment of generative AI. You’ll leave knowing potential solutions and best practices for mitigating privacy risks while fostering responsible development and use of generative AI technologies.

Ryan O’Leary Research Director, Privacy and Legal Technology IDC
4:00 - 4:45 pm
Networking Reception

Wrap up the day with refreshments while making some final connections to complete your event experience.