Semafor Security Management Audit Forum conference is one of the most important events concerning the world of information security and IT audit in Poland.

In 2024 we hosted 567 participants and heard speeches of around 100 managers and cybersecurity experts from Poland and around the world.


This is a great chance to hear about the latest threats and meticulously chosen case studies concerning cybersecurity.
During the event you can expand your knowledge and establish and maintain relationships in the community of IT security and audit.

It’s a meeting place and a co-operation platform for cybersecurity managers with a wide range of solution suppliers in that sector.

Let’s meet on March 10 and 11 2025 in Warsaw.

SEMAFOR is one of the biggest events in the sector of cybersecurity and IT audit in Poland, which is very popular among its participants.

Meeting of several hundred people, a wide range of suppliers of cybersecurity solution in Poland and around the world, and the most important organizations affiliating ICT security managers makes SEMAFOR a true celebration of cybersecurity sector, full of knowledge, behind-the-scenes conversations, and social meetings.

A two-day program consists of plenary sessions and 4 content blocks, which allow for program customization. The last year was a huge challenge for all of us, and cybersecurity sector became one of the key elements providing business continuity and a chance for surviving for many modern enterprises. The scale of cyberattacks has become incomparably bigger. Cybercriminals take advantage of innovative techniques and tools, which serve their purposes and represents a threat for functioning of companies. What priorities a cybersecurity manager should have in this situation? Which technologies should you choose if we want to secure our enterprises and ourselves?

This year we will also devote a lot of attention to organizational aspects, so that our conference provides great inspiration and many business contacts, at the same time being a pleasant social event. Join us!


Information security management

  • Managing change in on-premise, cloud and hybrid environments
  • Cloud Security
  • Business resilience
  • Business continuity, Backup i Disaster Recovery

IT Audit

  • Audit of new frameworks of risk management (e.g. DORA)
  • Audit of cloud and hybrid solutions
  • Audit of cybersecurity, business continuity
  • Audit – different aspects versus layers of architectural model – organization, people,
    processes, technologies – how to obtain evidence and combine data with results

Cybersecurity, Hacking, and Forensic

  • Security in cloud environment
  • Threats in Edge Computing technology
  • Security of microservices and related technologies
  • IoT/ICS – more devices and more attack vectors

Technologies and Innovations

  • AI – dynamic growth of adaptation in cybersecurity aspect
  • Toolbox 5G
  • Dark side of automation with the use of machine learning
  • Deepfake – how cybercriminals can use it

Among the Keynote Speakers of this year's edition

Mark Child, Associate Research Director, European Security, IDC, Keynote Speaker at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
Keynote Speaker
Mark Child
Associate Research Director, European SecurityIDC
Bruno Horta Soares, CISA®, CGEIT®, CRISC™, PMP®, LEGO® Serious Play®, Executive Advisor, University Professor, President, ISACA Lisbon Chapter, Keynote Speaker at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
Keynote Speaker
Bruno Horta Soares
CISA®, CGEIT®, CRISC™, PMP®, LEGO® Serious Play®, Executive Advisor, University Professor, PresidentISACA Lisbon Chapter
Ramona Ratiu
Keynote Speaker
Ramona Ratiu
MS, CISM, CISA, GSTRT, GCCC, Head of Cyber Resilience TestingZurich Insurance
Richard Hollis, Director , Risk Crew, Keynote Speaker at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
Keynote Speaker
Richard Hollis
Director Risk Crew


Radosław Brzózka
Radek Brzózka
dziennikarz telewizyjny i popularyzator naukiTelewizja Polska
Piotr Adamczyk, Technical Account Manager, Axence, Speaker at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
Piotr Adamczyk
Technical Account ManagerAxence
Jan Anisimowicz, Chief Solutions Officer, Board Member, C&F SA, ISACA Warsaw Board Member (Edu Chair), Speaker at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
Jan Anisimowicz
Chief Solutions Officer, Board MemberC&F SA, ISACA Warsaw Board Member (Edu Chair)
Dariusz Balcerzak, HP Services Sales Consultant - East Central Europe, HP Inc, Speaker at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
Dariusz Balcerzak
HP Services Sales Consultant - East Central EuropeHP Inc
Kamil Basaj, Prezes, Fundacja INFO OPS Polska, Speaker at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
Kamil Basaj
PrezesFundacja INFO OPS Polska
dr Monika Bogdał, Radczyni prawna, ekonomistka, audytor wiodący ISO 27001, Kancelaria Radcy Prawnego Monika Bogdał, Speaker at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
dr Monika Bogdał
Radczyni prawna, ekonomistka, audytor wiodący ISO 27001Kancelaria Radcy Prawnego Monika Bogdał
Piotr Buda, Starszy Menedżer ds. Audytu IT i Analizy Danych, Europa Centralna i Wschodnia, UNIQA, Speaker at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
Piotr Buda
Starszy Menedżer ds. Audytu IT i Analizy Danych, Europa Centralna i WschodniaUNIQA
Sebastian Burgemejster, Akredytowany Trener, ISACA, Speaker at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
Sebastian Burgemejster
Akredytowany TrenerISACA
Paweł Henig, Członek, ISACA Warszawa, Speaker at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
Paweł Henig
CzłonekISACA Warszawa
Jarosław Homa
dr inż. Jarosław Homa
CISO, Pełnomocnik Rektora ds. Cyberbezpieczeństwa, Wicedyrektor Centrum CyberbezpieczeństwaPolitechnika Śląska
Artur Jabłoński, Inspektor Ochrony Danych, Doradca ds. Cyberbezpieczeństwa, Instytut Pamięci Narodowej, Speaker at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
Artur Jabłoński
Inspektor Ochrony Danych, Doradca ds. CyberbezpieczeństwaInstytut Pamięci Narodowej
Tomasz Janczewski, Wykładowca Akademicki, Architekt Bezpieczeństwa IT, Akademia Marynarki Wojennej, Uczelnia Łazarskiego, Speaker at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
Tomasz Janczewski
Wykładowca Akademicki, Architekt Bezpieczeństwa ITAkademia Marynarki Wojennej, Uczelnia Łazarskiego
Marcin Kaczmarek, CISA, CCSP, Wykładowca, Cyberbezpieczeństwo,  Wydział Informatyki i Telekomunikacji, Politechnika Wrocławska, Speaker at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
Marcin Kaczmarek, CISA, CCSP
Wykładowca, Cyberbezpieczeństwo, Wydział Informatyki i TelekomunikacjiPolitechnika Wrocławska
Adrian Kapczyński, CISA, CISM, Ph.D., Koordynator podobszaru badawczego"Cyberbezpieczeństwo", Politechnika Śląska, Speaker at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
Adrian Kapczyński, CISA, CISM, Ph.D.
Koordynator podobszaru badawczego"Cyberbezpieczeństwo"Politechnika Śląska
Andrzej Karpiński, Dyrektor ds. Bezpieczeństwa, Grupa BIK, Speaker at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
Andrzej Karpiński
Dyrektor ds. BezpieczeństwaGrupa BIK
Przemysław Kępa, Expert IT Security,, Nordea Bank, Speaker at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
Przemysław Kępa
Expert IT Security,Nordea Bank
Krzysztof Konieczny, Trener w Cyfrowy Skaut, Członek, ISSA Polska, Speaker at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
Krzysztof Konieczny
Trener w Cyfrowy Skaut, CzłonekISSA Polska
Magdalena Korona , Ekspertka ds. cyberbezpieczeństwa, liderka komunikacji bezpieczeństwa, mBank, Speaker at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
Magdalena Korona 
Ekspertka ds. cyberbezpieczeństwa, liderka komunikacji bezpieczeństwamBank
Paweł Kulpa, Członek, ISACA Warszawa, ISSA Polska, Speaker at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
Paweł Kulpa
CzłonekISACA Warszawa, ISSA Polska
Lech Lachowicz, Global Threat Defense Engineering Director, PepsiCo, Speaker at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
Lech Lachowicz
Global Threat Defense Engineering DirectorPepsiCo
Aneta Legenza, Head of Cyberdefense Operations, Bank Millennium, Speaker at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
Aneta Legenza
Head of Cyberdefense OperationsBank Millennium
Robert Ługowski, Cybersecurity Architect & Detect and Response Team Leader, Safesqr, Speaker at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
Robert Ługowski
Cybersecurity Architect & Detect and Response Team LeaderSafesqr
Małgorzata Mazurkiewicz, Speaker at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
Małgorzata Mazurkiewicz
Leszek Miś, CEO, Security Researcher,, Speaker at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
Leszek Miś
CEO, Security
Rafał Nikodym, Kierownik w Biurze Audytu i Kontroli, Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa, Speaker at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
Rafał Nikodym
Kierownik w Biurze Audytu i KontroliPolska Grupa Zbrojeniowa
Jerzy Paczocha, Wykładowca, Ekspert, Akademia Ekonomiczno-Humanistyczna w Warszawie, Speaker at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
Jerzy Paczocha
Wykładowca, EkspertAkademia Ekonomiczno-Humanistyczna w Warszawie
Tomasz Porożyński, Cloud Delivery Architect, PwC, Speaker at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
Tomasz Porożyński
Cloud Delivery ArchitectPwC
Dominik Rozdziałowski, Dyrektor ds. Cyberbezpieczeństwa , Europa Systems, Speaker at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
Dominik Rozdziałowski
Dyrektor ds. Cyberbezpieczeństwa Europa Systems
Andreas Schneider
Andreas Schneider
Field CISO, EMEAFortinet
Marcin Sereda, Chief Information Security Officer, Credit Agricole Bank Polska, Speaker at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
Marcin Sereda
Chief Information Security OfficerCredit Agricole Bank Polska
Krzysztof Smaga, Admin Linux, opiekun merytoryczny projektu "Cyfrowy Senior", Członek, ISSA Polska, Speaker at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
Krzysztof Smaga
Admin Linux, opiekun merytoryczny projektu "Cyfrowy Senior", CzłonekISSA Polska
dr inż. Jakub Syta, Zastępca Dyrektora, Morskie Centrum Cyberbezpieczeństwa, Akademia Marynarki Wojennej, Speaker at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
dr inż. Jakub Syta
Zastępca DyrektoraMorskie Centrum Cyberbezpieczeństwa, Akademia Marynarki Wojennej
Krzysztof Kamil Szymkowski, IT Security Officer, GASPOL, Speaker at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
Krzysztof Kamil Szymkowski
IT Security OfficerGASPOL
Cezary Turek, Dyrektor ds. Technologii,, Speaker at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
Cezary Turek
Dyrektor ds.
Adam Vizogrod, Regional Sales Manager, Responsible for Eastern Europe, Algosec, Speaker at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
Adam Vizogrod
Regional Sales Manager, Responsible for Eastern EuropeAlgosec
Jakub Walczak, Kierownik Biura Bezpieczeństwa, Pełnomocnik ds. Ochrony Informacji Niejawnych, Radmor S.A., Speaker at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
Jakub Walczak
Kierownik Biura Bezpieczeństwa, Pełnomocnik ds. Ochrony Informacji NiejawnychRadmor S.A.
Krzysztof Witkowski, PM/PMO ekspert, Wydział Informatyki, Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza w Krakowie, Speaker at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
Krzysztof Witkowski
PM/PMO ekspert, Wydział InformatykiAkademia Górniczo-Hutnicza w Krakowie
Krzysztof Wojdyło, Adwokat, Partner, Wardyński i Wspólnicy, Speaker at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
Krzysztof Wojdyło
Adwokat, PartnerWardyński i Wspólnicy
Łukasz Wojewoda, Dyrektor Departamentu Cyberbezpieczeństwa, Ministerstwo Cyfryzacji, Speaker at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
Łukasz Wojewoda
Dyrektor Departamentu CyberbezpieczeństwaMinisterstwo Cyfryzacji
dr inż. Krzysztof Wosiński, Dyrektor Departamentu Zarządzania Jakością, TELDAT, Speaker at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
dr inż. Krzysztof Wosiński
Dyrektor Departamentu Zarządzania JakościąTELDAT
Joanna Wziątek Ładosz
Joanna Wziątek-Ładosz
Senior Security EngineerTenable

Programme Council

Łukasz Bydłosz, Senior IT Auditor, Santander Consumer Bank SA, Wiceprezes, ISACA Katowice, Member of the Programme Council at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
Member of the Programme Council
Łukasz Bydłosz
Senior IT Auditor, Santander Consumer Bank SAWiceprezes, ISACA Katowice
Grzegorz Cenkier, Sekretarz Zarządu, ISSA Polska, Member of the Programme Council at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
Member of the Programme Council
Grzegorz Cenkier
Sekretarz ZarząduISSA Polska
Adam Danieluk, Prezes Zarządu, ISSA Poland, Member of the Programme Council at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
Member of the Programme Council
Adam Danieluk
Prezes ZarząduISSA Poland
Piotr Duczyński, Członek Zarządu, ISACA Warszawa, Member of the Programme Council at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
Member of the Programme Council
Piotr Duczyński
Członek ZarząduISACA Warszawa
Bartłomiej Dyrga, Head of IT Security Team, Alior Bank SA, Vice President, ISACA Katowice, Member of the Programme Council at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
Member of the Programme Council
Bartłomiej Dyrga
Head of IT Security Team, Alior Bank SAVice President, ISACA Katowice
Michał Hryciuk, Prezes Zarządu, ISACA Warszawa, Członek Rady Programowej at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
Członek Rady Programowej
Michał Hryciuk
Prezes ZarząduISACA Warszawa
Rafał Krakowski, Członek, ISSA, ISACA, Member of the Programme Council at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
Member of the Programme Council
Rafał Krakowski
Beata Kwiatkowska, Dyrektor ds. Członkostwa Wspierającego, ISSA Polska, Member of the Programme Council at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
Member of the Programme Council
Beata Kwiatkowska
Dyrektor ds. Członkostwa WspierającegoISSA Polska
Adam Mizerski, President, ISACA Katowice, Member of the Programme Council at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
Member of the Programme Council
Adam Mizerski
PresidentISACA Katowice
Jacek Skorupka
Member of the Programme Council
Jacek Skorupka
Global Cybersecurity DirectorMedicover, ISSA Polska
Grzegorz Stech, Redaktor Naczelny, Computerworld, Member of the Programme Council at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
Member of the Programme Council
Grzegorz Stech
Redaktor NaczelnyComputerworld
Anna Winiecka, Communications Director, Program Chair, Board Member, ISACA Warszawa, Member of the Programme Council at the SEMAFOR - 18th IT Security And Audit Forum
Member of the Programme Council
Anna Winiecka
Communications Director, Program Chair, Board MemberISACA Warszawa

Why should you take part in SEMAFOR 2025?


A 2-day program with 4 content blocks is an opportunity to customize your agenda along with your own interests.


It provides indispensable networking, an opportunity to expand business contacts, and more openness to share unique knowledge.


An extensive exhibition zone is a great chance for talks with a wide range of cybersecurity solutions providers in one place.


An evening organizational meeting will allow for building contacts in an informal, social atmosphere. Taking part in the event will be a great inspiration, but also an intense time in terms of social meetings.






Participation in the Semafor 2025 conference is CPE points for the certificates: CISSP / CISA / CISM / CRISC / CGEIT


DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel & Conference Centre

Skalnicowa 21 Street
04-797 Warsaw


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Conference programme

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Piotr Fergin
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Elżbieta Olszewska
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